Longwood Over 65/A tournament players earlier today before the rain
Sometimes when my partner is serving and I should be thinking strategically about how to move in and cut off a shot that I should be anticipating, I'm instead wondering if I'll have Guldens or Grey Poupon on my BLT, or why someone made a certain face when they were telling me something, or when my car's annual inspection is. It got me thinking about my relationship with tennis and why I play if I'm not even paying attention all the time, which made me wonder if something similar is going on with other people. And that led to wondering about other things....
So, I've created a survey I'd love for you to fill out if you're a tennis player. Funny thing, I don't know who is reading my blog. Yes, there's probably a way to know but that's not how I want to spend my time. If you are able to spare a few minutes to answer some of my questions about tennis, would you mind either replying at the bottom of this post with your email address, or sending it to anna.asphar@gmail.com? The more replies, the better. Gracias.
Once I get a bunch of feedback, I'm going to think about it and do a post or two.
No would see replies but me and while I have access to the email addresses who respond, I don't know which email says what (not that there are any questions that would be deemed confidential).
Also, if you know of anyone who might be interested in responding, send me an email address. Thanks again.