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Bags are Packed, Off to Egypt

Jane, of pumpkin and walnut scone fame, who still needs to put some dinners in the freezer

Susan, who worries that her hat is too much like a sombrero

The older woman with the pumpkin walnut scone at Coffee Obsession was trying to engage me, as frequently happens off-season in Falmouth. We sat on opposite sides of the patio, enjoying the spring sun, she waiting for her friend, me pushing myself to deepen a conversation with a stranger. After a chat, I said goodbye as a power BMW with an older man entered the parking lot.

Curiosity about the BMW man nudged me to drive back to the parking lot, confirming that his vibe hadn't matched her colorless, white haired character who walked out of a Roz Chast cartoon (Marc made up this about someone else and I am borrowing it). My intention was to turn the car around, but I could hear David and Lisa challenging me to take photographs of people, and as I had already wimped out on doing so with a woman my age wearing a floppy hat, Tevas with socks and a large carry bag tied to her belt loop, I prepped my camera and approached them.

Jane, with an inviting aspect, was happy to see me again, but her friend, Susan more reserved, at first gave away only suspicion. I asked if I could take their photograph, they assented. Because they were older, I didn't want to ask them to move closer together, and because I am new to this and remember with trauma of being an adolescent and having to pose interminably, I didn't ask them to maintain any particular posture. But I did get some shots, not great but a start.

Jane and Susan were meeting because tomorrow, they were off to Egypt and while they were already packed, they needed to review their lists to make sure nothing had been forgotten. Turns out Susan really is ready to go, but Jane still has to put a few more dinners in the freezer for her husband, who is no longer able to travel. Logan to Frankfurt and then on to Cario.

  • Can I bring scissors? Oh, no, not in carry on.

  • We’re bringing lots of light colored flowy linens for layers.

  • Women with white hair have to go to Egypt on a tour, we’re not young anymore.

  • If we're tipping, only do so when we're leaving somewhere so we aren’t bothered the whole time.

  • If merchants try to take advantage of us, we know to threaten reporting them to the tourist police.

  • We’re going on a felucca down the Nile, about 15 of us. I haven’t been on a cruise since 1969!

  • Don’t even dip your toe in the Nile, the parasites will eat you alive.

  • Jane is into music and art so we’re going to go to museums and some local concerts.

  • I wasn't sure about this hat, are you sure it doesn't look too much like a sombrero?

Happy travels, ladies.

Motivated, when I got home I took my camera to the men's A paddle players club tourney and practiced asking again.

Guy with the bling gets the grumpy award

Jos hits the ball hard

Ian and Mike, who said he didn't want his photograph taken because his wife thinks he's at CVS (I didn't take him at his word).


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